
Katharina Dietz

Berghäusensweg 281
41468 Neuss

Phone: +49157 50641065


Sales tax identification number (s): DE341199997

Small business according to § 19 UStG

Responsible according to § 18 MStV:

Katharina Dietz

Berghäusensweg 281

41468 Neuss

The European Commission provides a platform for online
dispute resolution, which you can find here .
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute settlement
procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Notes on copyrights regarding the images we use on this

The author of the images is free to decide how their images
may be used. When I use images, I have the consent of the author of the images
or the specific rights holder. No images will be used on my website without
this consent.